I know I'm fairly new here, but I had some ideas about this and art seems to want some feedback and suggestions so I decided to just post them anyway. I apologize if I, being "just some random newfag", am intruding, but I thought it would be a good idea and am going to give it a try.
[size=17](AKA. "I know you said no more NTR stuff, but I didn't post this before, so I'm going to now!")
I was thinking something along the lines of spending waifu slots for the mechanism for NTR. I am aware Luin said things along those line, but I was thinking of expanding on it and also make it the way to protect waifus. I was thinking you start with 6 slots (I know its a deviation from the standard 5, but this is just for the example), and once you get a waifu, she occupies a slot (obviously), but after that, you can spend an extra slot for her to be protected from NTR.
Would you want to be NTR proof, with the 6 slots you start with, you could have 3 waifu, which is the same amount art said he would have for opting out of NTR (I know alot has been said and this might no longer be a stipulation, but I thought it would be good to mention).
In order to NTR you would have to spend a slot for the attempt, a failure resulting in losing that slot (whether it be temporarily or permanent as decided by art). Would you succeed, you would then use a separate slot then the one spent to hold said waifu (because, as you might have assumed, you can't use slots you've spent) resulting in two slots used.
This overall would mean if you want a waifu to protect it will cost two slots and if you want to NTR a waifu it would also cost two slots
making the cost for protecting and NTRing the same on both sides.
This also allows people to protect a waifu
and be apart of NTR; you could protect all waifu, just one waifu, a few favorites, or none at all and be allowed NTR on the same scale of the risk you take.
TL;DR: Make the cost for protecting the same as the NTR; more NTR power = greater NTR risk. No NTR power = No risk.
On Senority
[size=17](AKA. "Sneaky always get Konata 'cause he found this fap site first.")[/h]
I don't really have to much of an idea for this one, but I'm against what art has in place for now. Some new people who want to play may really want certain waifu, and even if they had a long list of other choices, the likelihood of them getting a main character, or even many secondary ones, from popular series would be impossible due to the sheer number of users that play (I can only base this on the waifu list that is currently up; if it's much slower to start or if the "oldfag" round is really short, then my words may be moot).
I, of course, don't mean that new people should get favor or that nothing should be granted to past players, but I think starting on a more level playing field than what you have now would be nice.
TL;DR: In my opinion, I don't like art's current seniority rule.
An Now a Question From Me, Dee::Arc
[h2](AKA. "No, I've never played this game; I just make lengthy post about how the rules should be")
Does the "50/150" post requirement count IB post? That is all.
TL;DR: If that was too long, you might have a problem...
Well, that's all I got; Thank you for reading this. I'm sorry if it was to long, or was just stupid. I hope to hear some feedback and I'm sorry if my posting of this was a bad idea.