Prince Hamlet wrote...
[color=#006FFF]Question. Skullgirls is a series I assume Jack is familiar enough with, though just to be safe, I'll explain the curiosity on which my question is based. There is a large number of characters that are planned and/or fleshed out but not in the game itself yet. If I, or anyone else, wanted to claim one of these girls or guys (such as Eliza, Beowulf, Umbrella, etc.)
would I be required to wait until they are completely finished and in the game (i.e. on the character select screen
itself), or would I be able to claim them right now, knowing that they're coming? (Namely, I ask in reference to the upcoming characters that we know are currently in development and just haven't been completed just yet.)
You will have to wait until they are released.
Because while they do exist in the lore, they don't exist in the game of which they originated from.