Prince Hamlet wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
Prince Hamlet wrote...
[color=#006FFF]Gonna be making a twofer with this post, so try to keep up.
[color=#006FFF]First of all, after some debating, I'm going to divorce my second angel, Anarchy Panty. No major reasons other than to make room--though, if you must know, she's a bit too loose for me.
And secondly, I'm going to be claiming someone I'm actually a bit surprised to not having been taken up to this point given that she's in a current series, and that young lady is the embodiment of a psycho-bitch and her 'name'/assigned nomenclature is
Five from the ongoing
Zankyou no Terror (Terror in Resonance). Pretty much being (and sort of resembling) another sadistic psycho-bitch that I love, it's hard for me not to like this lady. Despite her malicious ways.
"London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down~"
I am sorry to inform you, but
PumpJack McGee wrote...
-After divorcing, you cannot make another claim until full four(4) days/96 hours after you've made the divorce.
[color=#006FFF]Huh. What if I told you I initially had them reversed prior to posting? If I were to edit it accordingly, it'd work just as well, maybe? -proceeds to do so-
[color=#ff69b4]You never had 5 waifus right, Princy? If so then you're fine.
You ended up divorcing to open up one, but you still had one open in the first place and that's the one you used to claim Five.