waynoinsano wrote...
I've already + repped
Imaginization's claim because someone gave him a neg. Now it's happened again could someone throw him an up rep to even it out.
People please be civil. Anonymously hurting someones rep because they claim a waifu you wanted is not the way the system works, and is a pretty low blow. You are supposed to post in this discussion thread your grievance over losing your potential waifu so we can all point and laugh at your butthurt. Thank you
[color=#ff69b4]It's one thing to be a little mad about not getting your girl, but I think that over doing it a bit. I'm pretty sure I saw Imaginizaton at -4 or -5 at one point and I've + repped the claim to try and fix it. I feel bad too because Imaginizaton is a bit of a new user as well. I think a few people really wanted who Imaginizaton claimed and are just being ass's about it.
You're not the only one who loves X girl and you have to live with that. Ezlare and I are getting along and I got Homura before him. So I don't see why they can't do the same really.
Fuck people some days. I hope Imaginizaton is not someone who takes things like that too badly.