Tsamari wrote...
My claim should be good overall. Well, unless Jack just says fuck all of it, cuz >Fate

I never nixed a claim just because it's from the Fate series- I just don't like it because;
-I know hardly anything about it
-Watching the series to learn what I need to know would probably take an entire summer. I have watched one or two episodes, but it hasn't succeeded to draw me in, which is weird, because the concept behind it is very cool. The delivery was just a little weak.
Perhaps it was a bit of a fluke, and I just stumbled acros some sub-par episodes.
Sabers Praetor wrote...
Hate to do this to muh kouhai but
Tsa's Tamomo claim is invalid
"The Tamamo Nine (タマモナイン, ?) are nine aspects of Tamamo-no-Mae, each taking the form of one of her nine tails. "
Tamomo-no-mae and her 9 tails are all part of the same person and make up the original Tamomo-no-mae.
Id go into further detail, but I have to go to work
Yeah, it's kinda looking like a Zelda/Shiek type situation here; very different, but still the same person.
To be consistent with how I call Sabers, differentiating them according to original life form, they're both Tamamo no Mae, aren't they?