Hello there. I'm new to this site so I'm not exactly sure about whether this topic is even necessary, but I couldn't find it (in all my searching of Three pages of the forums...) so I made this a topic.
I'm looking for a specific manga or doujinshi that I found recently, but don't remember the name of. I thought maybe someone in the forums can read my description and maybe understand what I'm talking about. Of course other users can make other requests if they see fit, let's hep each other!
Anyway my description is as follows:
It is a VERY long one, I think about 200+ pages, it's divided into a number of stories about different girls. The first story is about a girl that has "telepathy" or "empathy" or something, what it boils down to is that she can sense when people nearby are having sex and she feels as if they are doing it to Her.
I think that description will suffice, if you need more you can just ask. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me the name of this series, because it was Awesome.
Thanks. :)