Takerial wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Takerial wrote...
It got popular which means it got more profitable.
More profitable means more corporation influence and less indie like stuff.
More Corporation Influence means following what is considered safe guidelines to guarantee a certain percentage of the profit available in the industry to them.
There's still anime that has similar aspects of a decade or so ago, but there's a lot more of the popular anime being vomited onto the scene currently.
It just feels like anime quality has dropped when really it's about the same it was before with better art and animation, it's just that you're focusing on the shitty stuff that's being pushed out for profit instead.
Indie animation studies were never relevant. Big corporate entities have always been in the forefront on the industry because animating ain't cheap. It's only now where small studios are able to make more more an impact.
Anyone who knows anything about anime knows that the industry has at all times been saturated with certain genres or trends depending on what well received at the moment.
I said they were indie like, not straight up indie.
And most were not the big name studio corporations that you see nowadays. Anime was less mainstream so it was less profitable so not as big of companies dealing in them.
There's also the fact that there wasn't a so called 'proven formula' back then. So it meant more that they either had to go with unique content, or go with popular manga which was also not quite as mainstream.
That is obviously no longer the case.
I'd say there's more variety today, because it's profitable more studios exist than in the 80's where everything was a Sci-Fi show with Mecha, or 90's fantasy world. Of course there were outliers but even those outliers were later imitated.
More money being involved isn't automatically a detrimental quality to the creative side, even if it's annoying to see publishing heads trying to push advertisements, DVDs/blurays, concerts, etc. etc. (The biggest offender being one of those old school shows everyone seems to praise). More money = Bigger pool = more studios = more good and bad content being produced.
I had the mindset that current anime is substance less dredge but I learned that old anime wasn't amazing either and that there's probably thousands of shows out there that I haven't seen and probably will never see that I could feel are amazing.
@Sweet Rolls
That's such a "I'm 13 and I think I'm deep" answer. lol
[edit] Great, the mention system isn't working properly.