Misaki_Chi wrote...
I'll be honest here why does any of this matter?
If you don't like people preaching the word of god to you don't listen and tell them to basically fuck off in a nice enough manner. If they don't get the message then be more direct.
If you feel like you need to have more in your life like marriage and children stop wasting time venting over the small shit and make it happen. Try meeting people and dating and having a good time.
Who cares if you are an older student? Just do what makes you happy and things that don't learn to either work with them or cut them out altogether.
Religion is always a sensitive topic for most people and I know back in college I hated when my friends would bring it up. I was never the churchgoing type so they use to say that I needed to find god or I wasn't a good Christian. I ended up just ignoring them altogether and found my own meaning to my faith and have been happy ever since.
You are in control of your own life and find a way to make the things that frustrate you better and change what you want to be different or just accept how life is and roll with it. If your anger get's to be too much expend it on other actives like cardio of some kind, cooking, reading, videogames, going out to the movies, etc. If you are depressed just get through the down phase of it (shower, reading, sleeping, eating, etc) and pick yourself back up when your mood is better. Having friends around to talk to is also a good thing too.
I'm not really a person who likes to just seat and watch when you see that some people are being used by some organization that isn't even using the one and only thing that defines that they are a christian religion. for me, a christian organization that is not using the holy scriptures as a guide shouldn't be even be called a christian organization because for me the bible is the one and only thing that is left for Christians to obey. I would rather obey the bible than any man in this earth no preacher no pastor not even a pope that uses idols of people in the bible and picture of Jesus in their churches which I believed is a malpractice and blasphemous. but when it comes to religion this is just my thoughts of it. please don't get me wrong this is just my opinion
marriage isn't really what I think I should be doing it's just that I just envy from time to time my friends who's already married. but marriage is not really my priorities I just want to have the feel of getting married. it just makes me feel like that when seeing there videos in facebook.
I do really care about what is my status in the school I don't like people talking at my back that the one thing a really loath. I'm a person who will confront any person who's slandering or even gossiping about me even in court I'm not kidding.
I really want to just ignore them but when they go in our classroom and hear them talking about how cool the loud concerts and you'll have fun is really so wrong.
I do know I'm in control in my life. it's just that I don't really find the solutions on how to have a happy life or what is really my main goal why am I living : ) I don't even what I need to do differently to be honest.
I always do cardio exercises such as jogging every off and night after going to school we have a sport center here. I always go out with my friends we even go to puerto galera just past few weeks but sometimes I just feel that what we are doing is really repetitive I just feel to tired traveling these days. I always talk to my friends but my friends are not really in to these type of things and I've known them ever since I was in high school so I know what will be their reaction. I do like what you said about showering but when I'm in the shower my mind thinks of what I need to do tomorrow or what will happen tomorrow if I won't do this and that but it's good :) I will try cooking thanks : ) I love playing games it's just that I don't have time for it. I like playing games with someone but no one is around the house to play with me and I don't like playing games when I'm just alone I do play a little clash of clans from time to time. can you suggest anything good to eat? : ) thanks : )
Likhos01 wrote...
I kind of use an express form of yoga.
In general, I do the "O" sign with at least one of my hands, I close my eyes, I focus on emptying my mind of everything, and I only focus on sounds.
Somehow, in only a few second I calm down. It's rather hard when the cause of anger/frustration is in my vicinity though.
I don't know where it came from, I might have gotten that somewhere.
Another way is insulting everything that pisses me off, I usually do that when I'm driving, as I'm not given the occasion to relax. May cause violence against your person though.
I did yoga before on fitness first and yes it's really good.
pspkiller626 wrote...
Seeing as how beating up the sources of my frustration is out of the question I go crazy during bboy sessions and practice until I'm too tired to move an inch.
I just tried to check what bboy is lol I thought like smashing things up. I like to try that though. : )
cruz737 wrote...
I read it all.
But...I don't really want to get into the religion aspect of this. Just have an earnest conversation with that coordinator. I personally agree that you don't need to have a strict adherence to some holy book to truly love "god".
Also don't be ashamed about being/feeling old and in education. I've seen people well past their 50's and 60's attending Freshman orientations, and most respect them for pursuing their goals.
Not really a relaxation technique but try being more confident and assertive. Doing things to change your situation will be a lot better for you than trying to find ways to help you cope.
I see..
I just feel like when people talks bad things about me I just have the need to defend myself. since I already worked I just feel like I don't fit in a school anymore. just my what im feeling though.
I'll try that. thanks : )
Sneakyone wrote...
Get drunk
yes I do go out with my friends to a bar resto. but I would rather drink inside the house but I can't : ) I don't really like partying these days I feel so tired.
King Dingaling wrote...
Well, for starters, i dont build houses out of walls of text...
hahaha I do try my best to write properly. will try better next time. : )
Volaverunt wrote...
I go out and start beating random people.
I'm not that crazy! :D