mostly hentai manga by shiwasu no okina, ogawa kensoh, yasui riosuke or distance.
I kinda stopped watching real porn. I'm not quite sure about that but all I see in real porn are bitches. Seriously, even though the girls in hentai do even more perverted/bitch-like stuff than in real porn. I kinda reject real porn.
What does not mean that I lost interest in real women. I love looking at beautiful women. Even though there's no porn of them.
In H-Manga n stuff the girls doesnt look like complete whores to me and I just let my fantasy keep going.
All the porn stars look like artificial bitches to me. And I can't get a boner from those girls anymore. So I stick to hentai.
aww man, I think I need a gf soon xD
I like a yuri vanilla ones, but i usually don't fap to it because i just love to see the love between Girls. I fap most for pettanko schoolgirls. No, i'm not a pedo.
Mostly vanilla, NTR sometimes. I dunno why but I really like housewives and teachers, something about an older lady that really gets me going. Onee-sans are good too.
Incest and pregnancy are my favorites. I love mother/son incest, or really anything with mature women and younger dudes. Also a big fan of harems, specially incest harems. And succubi. More recently ive been getting into Yandere.