FormerUser wrote...
It was
c Hatsu Inu: A Strange Kind of Woman.
My brother has the manga version of that lol
Split133 wrote...
This was during early YouTube. I stumbled across an OVA of an anime called "Green Green". All I can remember is some chick who is apparently a ghost visiting her lover during his dream. They fucked in some shack while hot spring monkeys watched. The ghost was trying to convince the guy to go for some purple haired chick they both knew while she was still alive.
My brother has the box set of that anime. The dub is ridiculous.
If I had to say what got me into hentai, the catalyst may have been Haruko's ass and all the innuendo in FLCL episode 5 and then I think it was just random images and finding those super shady sites called like "" or something that just showed you 4 minute clips from various hentai. I do remember my first hentai being Akiba Girls then like, Koihime, Darling, Marin A Go Go, and Enspelled.