York wrote...
If I remember back in the day it was either Jacob, Hibia, Raze,Nikon or any combination of those four thought of hypothetically buying a Cosplay cafe/hotel. It'd be complete with hot girl in scantily clad outfits, front hall, dining room, secret back room for certain members of Fakku oh and a hotspring.
That would be the setting of where we'd hang out. Generic anime laws also apply inside hotel.
1. If a girl is over the age of 14 she has 75% chance of having a good sized chest.
2. Anything Echii can and will happen between two members of the oppisite sex
3. Tsunderes will kick you in the sack, but will fall madly in love with you.
4. Gay things like accidentally kissing a boy can happen when pursuing a member of the opposite sex while another male is present.
5. Whenever you fall you have an 80% chance of landing in a sexual position on a female when one is present.
6. The laws of physics can be broken.
7. Giant robots are present and can be used in case of emergency.
All in all It spelled for a good time as long it's a good amount of Fakku users and not all of us sitting in a hotel thinking "Why god, why did I come to this Sausage fest."
*don't ask me who was/is aloud in the back room. I don't know*
You forgot the immortality clause:
Where one or more Tsundere or potentially violent members of the opposite sex are in some state of nudity, a male will be present 85% of the time. In this case, the male will suffer at least 200% damage do his body, which can and will be recovered within a matter of minutes. Descent from the stratosphere follows law 5.