So I ordered a very peculiar book and I feel this one has high value, especially in the political order.
Does anyone know of Missitsu by Beauty Hair? Published in 2002 this book was the object of a controversy and caused the author and his editor to be put on trial in 2004. The reason? Was it incredibly deviant to the point it should be banned? No, it was simply not censored enough for the japanese law makers. As a result the book was pulled from stores along with ALL OTHER BOOKS from the author.
But some copies remain and I was lucky to find one and order it, now is the waiting game for me.
Let's hope mandarake doesn't send it in an elephant sized package.
By the way it isn't the only case of a banned product, as another production was banned by the japanese government: MIDORI - Tsubaki Shoujo, an anime that was only released in the west because Japan banned it. It's not hentai so I won't go too far, but if you wanna see why it's banned, it's on youtube, be warned that it's based on an ero-guro manga by Suehiro Maruo, who doesn't do guro for fap, but rather for horror.