Sgt.broski wrote...
DVSN wrote...
Sgt.broski wrote...
Ammy wrote...
Sweet mother of faggotry. This thread
Yea i know and now im getting bullied by the elders!
That's because you're an idiot.
You know what would be funny? If i reported you for name calling.
Fakku rule 2.0
Do not insult or harass other members.
-Insults, harassment, flaming, trolling, baiting or other similar abusive behavior towards other members of the Forum will not be tolerated.
If we constantly PMed you things like "Your parents are whores and they should die by getting their limbs torn off and left to rot in the desert, you worthless fuck", THAT WOULD BE BULLING. (I do
not think that way about you or your parents, it's an example)
Simply having people think differently than you on something insignificant (likes memes), on YOUR thread no less, isn't really bullying.