Renovartio wrote...
Dee::Arc wrote...
Renovartio wrote...
cause no one know how to check how to fully unload a pistol?
Accidents happen, mate.
animefreak_usa wrote...
For the porn, yeah, it's definitely fake, but I still find it's use unsettling (making me think about what could actually happen in real life and the possibilities of someone copying it, etc.).
animefreak_usa wrote...
>self inflicted wound
Oh, Freaky. Always finding a bright side to things.<3
can' be anal about EVERYTHING
You're right, we can't be anal about everything in life, but firearm safety is one of the few things that you should be anal about. It's right up there with sex and nuclear fission.
Renovartio wrote...

also is this hot?
This doesn't do it for me at all, rather, it horrifies me. Also, am I bad person for hoping it goes off? I don't want the wound to be fatal, I just want them to learn their lesson.
General Firearm rules broken: 3 Edit: ALL FUCKING FOUR
Treat a firearm like it is always loaded.
Never point a firearm at something you don't intend to fire at.
Never put your finger on the trigger of a firearm when you do not intend to fire.
Always keep a firearm safed until you intend to fire. (I didn't notice this one until I enlarged the images.)