alexanderthenine wrote...
Waar wrote...
nzephier wrote...
Waar wrote...
the ability to make the OP shut up.
how many times do we have to make the same threads... just do a search instead of making 500 different topics for the same question.
did i know there was one ike this? i did not
and also i asked for ABILITIES not powers. shitting bricks sounds like an ability to me, but turning into a half dragon sounds like a POWER to me. and also i made a thread about abortion, and then someone made the same fuckin thread i did, but included a poll. so whats the big fricked frackin bleepin deal waar!?!
you didn't know? o well i'm sorry for calling you out then? STFU, there is a search function for a reason... your thread is useless; it's like a shitty version of the super powers thread.
An hero; look into it.
DAMN! That made me cringe, and those words weren't even directed at me. Somebody got owned.
hmm, well i must be superman, because his words of so called "pwnage" had no effect. ive heard worse, and you know what, fine, ok, its shitty, but i didnt know this thread had already been made. if i knew i wouldnt have made this.