Satsugai wrote...
"All is dust......"
"I am who I am, Tenko Kuugen, the fox-god who, for many a generation, had been guardian of the Miduchis. Resurrected I am, inside this world of illusions, a world filled with fools running about, who do not understand the true nature of things, the fact that there is nothing here, but aggregates, and surrogates foisted upon aggregates in human forms; the fact that they themselves are impostors, who don't even know that they know nothing, really; when, really, they should be striving, with complete and utter devotion, to escape the trap, and themselves, strive unto the absolute perfection that lies beyond.
Alas, all is vanity, for even I, once near-almighty deity, have been reborn on this plane, with a curse that makes me share their pathetic lot."
Or something akin to that... anyway, someone remind me, what am I doing here, again??
"At any rate, I'm taking a nice morning bath, right now, to relax the nerves."