Your lungs are making wine. The "wining" sound is actually a pitch based on the inhalation and the constant gurgling combined with preventing oxidation when you exhale, while the wine ferments.
And of course its red wine.
A light, whimsical and soft wining is a light bodied wine with a fruity taste.
A high pitched, steady wining is something of both body and flavor.
A heavy, loud wining, either quick or slow, is a strong, dry taste with a full dark color.
The question is though, what type of red wine would it be?
EDIT: I also forgot to add. The time fermenting wine in your lungs quickens because of your body temperature. Time inside the lungs is accelerated to 5x the norm. Blood type is also a factor.
A types age quicker.
B types age slower.
AB types age at a consistent pace no matter what.
O types depend on the condition of the lungs and health.
If this is a serious question, then it might be the result of asthma or some sort of infection.
But if you did mean to say "wine" instead of "whine" then I have no fucking idea why your lungs are suddenly a brewery. Can I have some? It's probably aged like shit given this is a recent occurrence but what the hell? Drink before bed sounds nice.
Your body has successfully adapted to all the alcohol your drink by producing it's own, replacing blood in the process, giving you the option to replenish any lost blood with more wine when you visit Bevmo.