Gravity cat wrote...
say what! wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
That just shows how much every hates Solid. On top of that I think a bunch of the neg rep for Shinji was just beacuse it kind of became a thing. Not that he was disliked just that It became sort of a trend. But then again I may be wrong.
oh and shinji built all that up over 4 years. Solid was only 5 months. Lots and lots of hate for him.
I don't hate him
Me either but he does need to stop being a fag a majority of the time.
kengenerals wrote...

Edit: I know in the past I said he was the first person on fakku that I hated, but that was childish of me and I took that large stick out of my ass. Yes, his post are annoying, but I have to get to know him first before I can hate him.