Sou Yaguruma wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Aren't Japan and China still throwing a hissy fit over some islands?
To answer your question, I doubt it. It's not economically viable, and more than likely the US and other countries will slap China's face if they get too aggressive.
All because some balloonist landed in Senkaku/Diaoyu, and because their prime minister(The japs) went to a Shrine made in memorial of War Criminals, or what they call "Japanese War Heroes".
I think the japs are stupid but that's like insulting myself.
Well, half of myself.
I'm sure China may have the capability, but they're "engaged" at the moment.
Yasukuni shrine has people enshrined who are seen as war criminals, AS WELL as those who are seen as war heroes. The issue is that whenever the prime minister goes there to honour the dead heroes of war (as if he doesn't, that's a huge blow to his following), whoever wants to have an excuse to be angry at Japan will see him as visiting the graves of war criminals.
This is in the process of being fixed at the moment, as the Japanese are finally in the process of moving the war criminals to a different shrine, so the prime minister can both appease the citizens, by honoring the dead who were heroes, and avoiding being seen by other countries as honoring war criminals. This is a move that has long been needed, but since the Japanese are... slow at change... it's taken a while.
I think it's more important for a politician to appease the citizens of their own country rather than citizens of another.
Not that there aren't stupid politicians and political moves in Japan, there's just as many as any other country. I just... wouldn't say going to Yasukuni shrine is one of them.