I feel like categories like rape, torture, hardcore, abused, violent or forced often dont work good enough. I want really depraved and sick things that would just make you feel terrible and sick to the stomach unless youre like me and draw enjoyment those kinds of things. Like there should be a category called depraved or something. As109 is a good example of some neat teen raping and torture but i think he doesnt go far enough. His artstyle is flawless though.
All i want is a normal scenario of a young girl being kidnapped, tortured and raped in whatever order or combination, for an indefinite amount of time, and most importantly i want the girl to react realistically to whats happening. Its so hard in the hentai world to find something realistic/normal like that even though horrible events like this happen all the time in RL, so there does exist an unfortunately large amount of inspiration to draw from. I want the "cartoon" equivalent of filming a RL kidnapping and the following abuse. Theres no need for magic or monsters or crazy plotdevices or whatever i my mind. What turns me on is if the girl is visibly suffering and her misery, as a simple sadist.
Ive been scouring the internet for years and i just cant seem to find the perfect image/gallery/video. Im probably the only one here who feels this way, i think i may just be overly choosy when it comes to hentai. Any sadists here who can redirect me to some satisfying raping?