Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Me? Errr from what I can make out, the black guy who posed nearly nude on camera twice, the unsung hero of Adventures of ntwn, ass lover, resident vanilla-fag, hater of Kill la Kill and Strike Witches, yeah, that's all I got unless I'm missing something...Long list time:
Freak- Dafuq is this man posting
Sneakyone- Armpit lover
Solva-tan- De Geso
Nestor- Loli baka lover
iMuse- He never has my brand
Lughost- The first guy on Fakku to visit me
Loner- Immune to cold water for some damn reason
Ntwn- Don't worry, I still remember your heroic deeds and will never forget them
Artcellrox- Music Aficionado
Foreground Eclipse- If your lolis are missing there's a chance he has them
Kiraneko- Questionable Yandere
Smashspite- Don't get caught with Dark Love at Customs!
Winter55- Aila is second best grill
Rise- Go to guy for new hentai
Anesthetize- The only guy who can make fun of my taste and it's funny
Danjamin- Butts
Kadushy- Keeps falling off the face of the Earth for some reason
Maeve- I'd be afraid to sleep in the same room as this guy
Graceful Descension- Where did he go?
Hime Takamura- Ha, you lost your top at sea
Aphrodite- B cubed...she'll know what it means
Mayunaise- Well that was self explanatory
Chan- Chanaynay
Pyre- You can leave any time you like, but you'll be back next week
Ryssen- Movie club prez
Simon- 'Andre your taste is shit'
Devsonfire- Nyaruko's ahoge
Gravity Cat- Gravity deficient feline
Black Jesus- that other black guy who likes butts
Cruz- Stern Pokemon lover
Green Zero- Get Jinxed
Mantis- You're right Samus is awesome
Shotty Too Hotty- FMP won't get a 3rd season...I'm here to cry with you
Rapaperi- Bobo
Space Cowboy- Rapist and cheats at Monopoly
Bagman- no, my ass is not for sale, so stop asking
Yummines- Mirai Nikki is a weird game
Say What- Do U even...wait...never mind
Avatar End- Lovable Beard
Vowels- I thought you were gonna flip the board...
TMS- You guys ALL cheated at Sorry
Jacob- Ur still short
YurixHentai- Cool guy but ugh...that taste
Ammy- See Yuri
PumpJack- Keeping it classy bitches
Takerial- Stop recommending manga so fast dammit
Medzy- Cyclops lover and fellow sun worshipper
Drifter- Car lover
Yeah, this list is a short 'what do I think on user X thing'...uh...fuck it.
Come to my sleepover, scrub.