ShaggyJebus wrote...
Kids should get vaccinated. It's obvious.
Should it be mandatory? Well, to answer that, I have to ask, should it be mandatory that people not throw themselves in front of buses? Should it be mandatory that people with herpes not rub their mouths all over things that other people will touch?
If a large number of people are not vaccinated, it makes it harder for the vaccine to work. So, people should probably be punished for not getting their kids vaccinated. Just like how people should be punished if they allow their children to rub their gross hands all over everything when they have pink-eye.
Not all vaccines are worth the benefit of giving to your child versus the potential adverse health issues they can cause.
And no, I'm not talking about the idiotic autism shit.
Vaccines, even the ones that are significantly tested, can produce negative reactions.
Now for most of the time, vaccines are worth the potential negative side effects as they perform what they are suppose to do.
But in certain cases, that could be a false idea.
Take for example, this last years flu vaccine.
The flu virus mutated quickly in comparison to the vaccine available. So it became highly ineffective at combating what it was suppose to.
In exchange, you had adverse reactions in certain people, in particular children.
These adverse reactions, weakened their immune system. So in fact, not only was the vaccine not doing what it was designed to do. It actually allowed the flu virus an easier path to infect them.
So you know, the whole idea behind vaccinating because it's "the right thing to do." needs to be toned down.
As is the idea of mandatory vaccinations.
I for one, will not make my kids get vaccines until I do proper research with the vaccine to make sure that I consider the vaccine to be categorized as highly necessary with low risk. Or at least moderately necessary with almost non-existent risk.