I_love_flat_chests wrote...
Flat chested girls (pettanko) are a symbol of beauty. The taste of flat chests (delicious) are also the best among all other girls' chest type.You can do so many things with a flat chested girl.
There are so many reasons why flat-chested girls are the best:
1. Can nibble on their nipples with minimal maneuverability.
2. It's hassle-free; don't need no hands. (Look Ma, no hands!!)
3. Be physically (and emotionally) closer to them and their hearts when hugging them.
4. Clean and rid their chests from anything with your tongue much more easily.
5. Stealth fuck without stupid flopping sound from boobs.
6. They can wear T-shirt without bra.
7. Flat chests will not sag when old and wrinkly.
8. Flat chests look cute.
Please tell me that you people like flat chested girls.. If you don't, you are stupid.
1. I just don't agree with this plain and simple
2. I actually like to grab tits so....
3. What?
4. I actually like tits so I imagine I wouldn't want it to end quickly
5. I like that flopping sound
6. Goes either way
7. When she's old and wrinkly I probably won't touch her anyway
8. Little girls are cute I like sexy personally although don't get me wrong I'm not trying to turn that into loli
Please tell me you like girls with big tits if not you are dumb as hell and most likely a fag.......switch-up!
P.S. I like all tits