Peltor wrote...
I'm not being racist or anything, but
Fuck. here we go again.
It ain't my fault that she is too sensitive to handle jokes and shit.
I don't give a fuck anymore. Fuck it.
Yeah, she mad. Thus, the silent treat-fucking-ment.
I'll just let her be the bitch she wants and get attention of others.
Besides, I still have less than 2 months before I can finally go back home and get rid of her.
/life rant
/flip girls
I don't understand why are you waiting to get rid of her and you are spending time with her at the same time? It sound meaningless... waiting 2 months for what exactly? if you don't want to be with that person...
And people are different... maybe your jokes are not in her taste. Maybe she was looking for someone to be there for her ... idk ... anyway the best thing is just to talk :)