1 woman is already more than enough trouble, imagine two. You'd go broke in a matter of weeks, would have no time for yourself, would get caught up in twice more drama and imagine when both of them are on their period. NOpe
Did anyone see that documentary with the guy who had 7 wives? Let it be a lesson.
Humans tend to be too selfish to allow the idea of a polygamous relationship remain sustainable in western culture.
In cultures were it occurs frequently, the women are in a subservient style role and the balance of power is almost entirely in the hands of the male. It's hard to compare those relationships with those you know here.
its not that i have a religious or moral reason, but i feel like i could only love one person at a time. And i dont cheat, for three reasons, one- its fucked up. Two- there is a standing agreement with me and all my friends taht if one of us ever cheats, the rest of us are obligated to beat that person into a pulp, than inform their girlfriend so she can slap him around too. three- lol, you think i could get more than one girl in any amount of time? im not exactly a "catch" looks wise
>not being loyal to one girl >liking real women >not wearing a fedora >not drowning your hearing out with wall-of-noise guitar-playing >not contemplating suicide >not freezing to death on a mountain in a field of snow
I had dated two girls at the same Tim a couple of times with them no knowing. Now what to do when your girl is dating another girl and your dating the same girl. Never happened but I have dated two girls together. That was a fun time. I need twice the fun.