cruz737 wrote...
In theory they're not the same. One is on a fixed time line, the other is a chaotic mess where you can land in a reality where cats have opposable thumbs and dogs speak in French accents. Traveling through time doesn't mean your body stops functioning like a normal body, you'd still age.
OT: Live the same day every day. Living through the same day doesn't mean you have to do the same thing every day. Even so, I'd rather be blissfully unaware then knowingly forgetting about all the people and things I hold dear.
Would you have one consequence free day, regardless of what you do there won't be consequences, or you get to make 1 random person in your life have one of the luckiest day in their lives.
I meant so that in a reality sense that the two affect into the same thing. And alteration to a timeline forces the splitting into new universes and thus, any forward travel is increasingly unlikely to be the original as more travel and/or alterations are made.
OT: Consequence free, there are some things I'd like to downing would ensure the success of myself and others but certain barriers prevent me from doing so