joshcold wrote...
So let me get this straight, because someone might disagree or think I'm retarded because of my opinion, I should neither create or post in topics in any forums. Judging by your 1,847 post I can only assume you follow that same logic.
No where did I imply that.
joshcold wrote...
Yes I am well aware that they are different and it seems my post would easily fit in either one. My only concern was that it seems that a lot of the same material is being posted in both of them, is it not?
And you're not getting why I asked, and no, the rules aren't different for these sections since it's basically a copy paste from the feedback section. There's just a very specific thing said about this section that if you had the observational skills to notice, would have given you more insight on the differences between this section, and Random.
It really doesn't take a genius to see the difference between the threads here and there. When someone tells you lurk more, you should probably do that.