I am a NEET for the time being but I don't plan to spend the rest of my life being one
I plan to make money and spend it on the authors of my favourite animes as a start
You look like a weird fellow but I don't find you annoying since I expect all kinds of people to exist (well if they don't hurt me in an unimaginable way)
Androgeny wrote...
Pretty pathetic isn't it? People like that have no sense of self confidence the only way they can feel better is to put others down, in the end that just makes them hate society.
Well I think to have some confidence you need to somewhat look down the people to do something more smoothly, like a presentation or proposal for example. You can't be confident thinking that everyone's better than you
Androgeny wrote...
That's why the internet is full of people insulting each other anonymously, if they can't find someone in real life to look down on they look to message boards, even if they've never met them they'll brand other people as worthless, because they want to believe they're better then someone at least.
Personally I find the internet innocent, there are people who are helpful, people who seek for help.
Androgeny wrote...
You should know by now that human beings are reluctant to admit they're worthless, as a result they're constantly looking for someone more worthless than themselves.
If people would admit who they really are ...
(Imagines whatever happened in persona 4)
Life would have been much better, I'm not 100% sure about that though