Medzy wrote...
unpantsu wrote...
I should probably just use the search, but what achievements would you like to see added?
Shit that actually motivates the user to achieve something.
e.g. have a thread get 10 pages; get +10 rep on a single post; post the source of your avatar (at someones request); etc.
Those are pretty solid suggestions.
Medzy wrote...
I could get almost all public achievements right now if I spent 1 hour doing a chore and favoriting shit andn buying everything from the store
I wouldn't be
achieving anything. I'd be doing work/wasting my money.
Also every year a new achievement is made that takes a year to get, so what is the point of having this as an achievement?
You cannot have all the achievements since every year is 1 is made, so there is no way for somebody who cares about them to get them.
I think there's an important dichotomy there: achievements are either quickly achievable, or not. The sordid fact is that technology is limiting; data can't really be retroactively collected. I doubt that many interactions are currently tracked (e.g., how many times I've read a futa-tagged doujin), so if an achievement for reading futa doujinshi was added, it wouldn't be able to use historical data. So even if it was meant as a long-term achievement, even the biggest futa-fans would have to grind from zero to get it, which is less than ideal.
The other big outstanding issue with the current achievements is that they largely don't do anything. I think it would be cool if achievements integrated with the old PHPBB titles that have since been removed (the "Fakku Elder" etc stuff), such that each achievement you attained unlocked something for your account and could be easily displayed. As it stands, almost all of the achievements have no effect, and are only displayed on your profile page (which no one else ever looks at).
I think there are a variety of account unlocks that could be added; that's not really the problem. The real issue is historical data collection, which ideally should be added sooner rather than later. And to add that in a meaningful manner (e.g., has the highest usefulness vs. additional server load) it's important to have some idea ahead of time what data you want to gather (because trying to gather everything everyone did would melt down the servers).
oh god I have birthed a wall of text.