Waar wrote...
tomorrow I'm going to make a poll thread asking users how many waifu would they prefer to keep for the next reset. About one and a half months from now I plan on resetting. Start planning on who you are going to keep, I would suggest placing your 5 in order of which you prefer.
1.Kallen (holy shit no one will ever touche this, ever)
2.Mio (i know somone has their eye on her so i need to be sure)
3.Kururu (i can't take the chance that someone will take her)
4.Kyou (hrmm, ive had my fill of her)
5.Yoko (done with you now)
(this is in no way close to my actual list, just an example)
depending on what the poll shows I may change the thought I already have... but the poll will not be the deciding factor; I'll make the final call based on what I want + what everyone else wants.
LOL looking at your post you mean to keep three let's stick with that.