[Locked] Your 2D Waifu - On hold until restart.

Waar FAKKU Moderator
don't announce divorces in here until I make the new thread, we can have a roll out there and you wont have to wait a week to remarry.
If only you said something sooner lol, but oh well whats done is done.
Waar wrote...
don't announce divorces in here until I make the new thread, we can have a roll out there and you wont have to wait a week to remarry.

Forum Image: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a110/RoboJesus420/Stuff/1226791416634.jpg

Forum Image: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a110/RoboJesus420/anime/b11b94db9f74d1d3d15549c684ed7052.jpg

Forum Image: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a110/RoboJesus420/1235271427393.jpg

That's how my thought process works.
i just found this can I pick my five still and anyone offering to help people who don't/can't make their own waifu banners?
Since Zeriam informed on this I'll choose now while the getting is good.

My 5 waifu's are:

Yuri Sakazaki (KOF)

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/20409-O0NNDN3.jpg

Kid (Chrono Cross)

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/20410-J0CSH3C.jpg

Bonne Jenet (KOF)

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/20411-G21WCG0.jpg

Shion Uzuki (Xenosaga)

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/20412-BORMPF1.jpg

Celes Chere (FFVI)

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/20413-5SE2YJ0.jpg
Waar wrote...
just so you know kirby we're at round 5 so you can pick all 5 now, I haven't restarted the game yet.

can i own a species instead of 5 different woman? because i would prefer the entire race of viera as a collective set of waifus rather then 4 other independent ones. besides, 5 waifus sounds like 5 times as much nagging lol

oh, and if you restart the game anytime soon thats my pick from now on, id like to brand the viera (if i may) as mine for good on the fakku forums. unless somebody has already called a vieran woman those are my terms.
1st Hild from ahh my goddess

2nd Hanako Ikezawa from Katawa Shoujo

3rd Aisha clan clan from outlaw star

4th Lumiere from kiddy grade

5th Index from To Aru Majutsu no Index
@ waynoinsano
Index is taken my mibuchia. I dunno about the rest of your choices are. You ought to check the list first before you state who you want.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
(>'.')>¿;= wrote...
Waar wrote...
just so you know kirby we're at round 5 so you can pick all 5 now, I haven't restarted the game yet.

can i own a species instead of 5 different woman? because i would prefer the entire race of viera as a collective set of waifus rather then 4 other independent ones. besides, 5 waifus sounds like 5 times as much nagging lol

oh, and if you restart the game anytime soon thats my pick from now on, id like to brand the viera (if i may) as mine for good on the fakku forums. unless somebody has already called a vieran woman those are my terms.

you may not, this has been debated and your waifu must be a recognizable character with lore and history we can verify by ways of the internets. if you want to have a girl from that race she must have existed before your request and have and identifiable past.
Waar wrote...

you may not, this has been debated and your waifu must be a recognizable character with lore and history we can verify by ways of the internets. if you want to have a girl from that race she must have existed before your request and have and identifiable past.

the veiran are a race of rabbit woman that have history in final fantasy since ff tactics.

Forum Image: http://www.finalfantasytr.com/ff12/irklar/viera.jpg
Forum Image: http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-02/art/ff12-viera2.jpg

they are a race that live independently from the other species of vana'diel. they live by a strict code to never leave their village but fran was ostracized when she was young for defying law. i know its not a single character, but the race has history! lol

ill see if i cant find a wiki...


there we are. with such a prestigious history as this, is it ok now? there arent any other distinctive names in the race so its not like im stealing tens of hundreds of choices or anything.
(>'.')>¿;= wrote...
the veiran are a race of rabbit woman that have history in final fantasy since ff tactics.

Forum Image: http://www.finalfantasytr.com/ff12/irklar/viera.jpg
Forum Image: http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-02/art/ff12-viera2.jpg

they are a race that live independently from the other species of vana'diel. they live by a strict code to never leave their village but fran was ostracized when she was young for defying law. ill see if i cant find a wiki...


there we are. with such a prestigious history as this, is it ok now? there arent any other distinctive names in the race so its not like im stealing tens of hundreds of choices or anything.

They have to have names and be a type of specific character. Take for example Dark Magician Girl from Yu-Gi-Oh!. DMG is a monster card but is her own character.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
seriously dude, we've gone over this and it's a no, pick one of the girls you like, perhaps fran's sister or something, idk... but you can't have an entire race...
sorry sorry, i just wasnt sure that if the species had a history then it was valid or not. i was unclear about the rules but i understand now, thanks for clearing that up. i dont frigen know, by now all the good ones are taken haha. ill get back to you i sapose, until then ill just go with fran.

in my opinion though, i would consider a go over about that. if anything its efficient! people are picking 5 names that nobody else can take, im taking a race with only a single distinguishable name. id like to put this up for debate but i also dont want to be obnoxious, i guess its your rules though.

so if im clear about this, it has to be a character with credible history from just about anything? ill get to work on that.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
waynoinsano wrote...
2nd Hanako Ikezawa from Katawa Shoujo

That. So much win. Congratulations on an awesome choice! 8)
so far my choices are:
caska from berserk
fran from final fantasy xii
Waar FAKKU Moderator
it's been debated, I would have welcomed it the first time (and I did) but to pursue something that has been decided and accept by the community... you wont get very far. an entire race of girls who are devoid of specific characters can't be considered "a waifu" or even 5 waifu... If you want to wed an entire race, make your own game but if you wish to enjoy our game then do so by our rules... also The Character can't be of original creation, you can't create your own veiran girl, giving her a name and history; she must have a recognizable character, something someone other than you has heard of. Please don't give me the "there aren't many to choose from" speech either, there are millions of girls to choose from, it's simply the popular ones that are all gone, do some research, go back in your memory, watch new shows, play new games... I've got people asking me to make it 6 waifu and you're telling me you're having trouble finding more than one?
please humor me on this. its pretty much been set in stone that the rules are no marrying races, im content with that. im gonna play your game, i just wanna speak my mind.

its not that im having trouble finding more then one, its that due to my circumstances (starting late) i dont want to compromise my choices because my favorites are picked. and its my fault that it turned out this way, im not blaming anyone. your saying that a credible history is absolutely necessary, and im not gonna make characters up to meet the criteria. i just think that i have proven the veira have a more then sufficient back story with what i supplied. i would be content with fran and 4 no names or something.

wish i could but ill abide, you probably dont wanna repeat yourself more then three times anyways lol. i just wanna put it out there that maybe for next time you bring that choice back, maybe make it like monopoly so that if you have all recognizable waifus of a species your married to the race :p just brainstorming.
Kaimax Best Master-San
luinthoron wrote...
waynoinsano wrote...
2nd Hanako Ikezawa from Katawa Shoujo

That. So much win. Congratulations on an awesome choice! 8)

That pic is overrated... :lol:

Hanako has burns all over her right side of her body... :roll:
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
kaimax wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
waynoinsano wrote...
2nd Hanako Ikezawa from Katawa Shoujo

That. So much win. Congratulations on an awesome choice! 8)

That pic is overrated... :lol:

Hanako has burns all over her right side of her body... :roll:

It's not the pic, it's the character. 8)
Waar FAKKU Moderator
(>'.')>¿;= wrote...
please humor me on this. its pretty much been set in stone that the rules are no marrying races, im content with that. im gonna play your game, i just wanna speak my mind.

its not that im having trouble finding more then one, its that due to my circumstances (starting late) i dont want to compromise my choices because my favorites are picked. and its my fault that it turned out this way, im not blaming anyone. your saying that a credible history is absolutely necessary, and im not gonna make characters up to meet the criteria. i just think that i have proven the veira have a more then sufficient back story with what i supplied. i would be content with fran and 4 no names or something.

wish i could but ill abide, you probably dont wanna repeat yourself more then three times anyways lol. i just wanna put it out there that maybe for next time you bring that choice back, maybe make it like monopoly so that if you have all recognizable waifus of a species your married to the race :p just brainstorming.

not happening bro, there really is no sense in it at all, why would an entire race be aloud to be chosen as your waifu... it's a ridiculous concept. "can i get married to 10000 girls? please>" it's just not a reasonable request.
Monster Girl
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