(>'.')>¿;= wrote...
please humor me on this. its pretty much been set in stone that the rules are no marrying races, im content with that. im gonna play your game, i just wanna speak my mind.
its not that im having trouble finding more then one, its that due to my circumstances (starting late) i dont want to compromise my choices because my favorites are picked. and its my fault that it turned out this way, im not blaming anyone. your saying that a credible history is absolutely necessary, and im not gonna make characters up to meet the criteria. i just think that i have proven the veira have a more then sufficient back story with what i supplied. i would be content with fran and 4 no names or something.
wish i could but ill abide, you probably dont wanna repeat yourself more then three times anyways lol. i just wanna put it out there that maybe for next time you bring that choice back, maybe make it like monopoly so that if you have all recognizable waifus of a species your married to the race :p just brainstorming.
not happening bro, there really is no sense in it at all, why would an entire race be aloud to be chosen as your waifu... it's a ridiculous concept. "can i get married to 10000 girls? please>" it's just not a reasonable request.