[Locked] Your 2D Waifu - On hold until restart.

Waar wrote...
there will be no stealing of peoples waifus, once a girl is claimed she's gone, forget about her... Look for another girl, there are millions, all with the same arch character design. If you don't choose a waifu simply because the one you want is taken then you can go without a waifu, have fun stroking it to images of someone else's property. (i guess we do that anyway). Ask yourself this question: if you had to stop posting on the forums for about 10 days would you want someone else to claim your waifu? no.

I feel guilty now for agreeing with people's being no-shows. :shock:
York wrote...
Stop the meaningless repping! Just say thank you he doesn't always need more rep.

Giving him more rep or to anyone with that much rep is like telling Kamina he's manly twice in a row. He know he's manly he didn't need you tell it to him especially twice.

Excuse me for saying it but I need to say it. I don't really care about rep or post count it's just that after awhile watching Spammers and Repspammers get's to me.

A solid argument (no offense guys). It won't work though I'm afraid. As long as Motemote lasts the forums will remain at a turmoil. Ero at least is earning his rep. What's irritating are people who post 3 words every 3 minutes in the battle topics for the sheer sake of raising the post count...
Ah well - we'll just have to wait this through I guess...

And thx Waar for stating your opinion. It's not that we're out of waifu material and a potential 3rd will then express individual tastes and anime knowledge all the stronger if all th big names are gone :)
ero-sensei wrote...
I think That's the last hammer

the judge has decided it ~_~

well then there is no way we can half the list because some people will only stay with one waifu the only way to half the list is to convince the others to get a 2nd waifu and Ero I gave you your +rep for my Waifu sig yesterday.
That's why three words post, and rate the above threads should be locked.

The only three words I've ever posted in there that meant anything are as follows.

Giga drill breaker
Forum Image: http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff139/Raftclanz/Gurren%20Lagann/KingKittanGigaDrillBreaker.gif

also I'm getting extremely off topic.

Waifus are amazing. Matsu,Kirche It's bed time.
ZeriamoftheNight wrote...
ero-sensei wrote...
I think That's the last hammer

the judge has decided it ~_~

well then there is no way we can half the list because some people will only stay with one waifu the only way to half the list is to convince the others to get a 2nd waifu and Ero I gave you your +rep for my Waifu sig yesterday.

thanks (here's your +rep for the rosario+vampire english doujin)
and i think the only way to get third waifus is to convince the person with only one waifu to choose their second

edit: i think someone has a grudge toward me ~_~ i'm getting -rep
Waar FAKKU Moderator
ok ill clear a few things up; i just want the people who only choose one to know they should choose a second waifu, most of them don't visit the IB section much.

and as for the post count thing, anything you post in IB wont raise your post count so don't worry about the random question/order of dark random/ 3 word posts.
Waar wrote...
ok ill clear a few things up; i just want the people who only choose one to know they should choose a second waifu, most of them don't visit the IB section much.

I'm still sticking by my two. I know glass claim Yuki but, he's only made six posts then vanished. Hell, I didn't even know he existed until I finally got around to reading this thread. On the idea of just choose another character. I don't watch a lot of anime in general. The only reason I even found Zero No Tsukaima was because someone suggested it to me when I was bored. On top of that it took me a month to even get around to watching it.

How about instead of ten days we do a "reasonable" time. Lets say you, York or myself disappeared for a while. People have a "reasonable" assumption that we'll come back. While "reasonable" is left up to judgment it just means that newer people just need to drop by on occasion and say "Hey guys, I'm not dead!"
Hmm, so I'm one of those who rarely pops up on fakku...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...

I'm still sticking by my two. I know glass claim Yuki but, he's only made six posts then vanished. Hell, I didn't even know he existed until I finally got around to reading this thread. On the idea of just choose another character. I don't watch a lot of anime in general. The only reason I even found Zero No Tsukaima was because someone suggested it to me when I was bored. On top of that it took me a month to even get around to watching it.

How about instead of ten days we do a "reasonable" time. Lets say you, York or myself disappeared for a while. People have a "reasonable" assumption that we'll come back. While "reasonable" is left up to judgment it just means that newer people just need to drop by on occasion and say "Hey guys, I'm not dead!"

but, what's a reasonable time here ?
some member didn't even check IB often , so it's one dilemma i guess
Here you go guys


Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4677-BJCT2O3.jpg


Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4678-XAM7WMP.jpg
wow :shock:
you finally found one decent pic of miu

btw zeriam, want me to make the custom sig for you? (i don't have much time when i make yours)
and for those who want custom sig here's the example

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4560-GXRYNL9.png
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4562-372Z95E.png
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4593-H5RLKZT.png
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4591-IYFVQEL.png
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4592-NOBEPZI.png
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4556-FFQDAPN.png
Forum Image: http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp337/darkzenuma/4559-82ZOV6P.png
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4539-3X8KUXS.png

so interested?
really thanks a lot zeriam *bows*

@ ero-sensei if its not much work please do mine im interested in it
ero-sensei wrote...
wow :shock:
you finally found one decent pic of miu

btw zeriam, want me to make the custom sig for you? (i don't have much time when i make yours)

Yes and use some hot pics of them and Ero if I'm not mistaken a week has gone by so are you gonna change your CC sig to the one I made.
Hm, hotties...
Forum Image: http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee246/siera1134/Cagalli1.jpg
Forum Image: http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll245/zerobuster12/Asuna_the_Knight.jpg
I thought I just ssaw my custom Sig from ero-sensei....*drools over the screen*
i'm changing it right now zeriam ^^
and @kazenoken i'm in process of making it
edit: additional example of custom sig
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4599-VPKTXIQ.png
thanks a lot and sorry for the trouble
Damn I just love sensei's custom Sigs of our waifus. :D
Kazenoken wrote...
really thanks a lot zeriam *bows*

your welcome hope you enjoy it
Waar FAKKU Moderator
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Waar wrote...
ok ill clear a few things up; i just want the people who only choose one to know they should choose a second waifu, most of them don't visit the IB section much.

I'm still sticking by my two. I know glass claim Yuki but, he's only made six posts then vanished. Hell, I didn't even know he existed until I finally got around to reading this thread. On the idea of just choose another character. I don't watch a lot of anime in general. The only reason I even found Zero No Tsukaima was because someone suggested it to me when I was bored. On top of that it took me a month to even get around to watching it.

How about instead of ten days we do a "reasonable" time. Lets say you, York or myself disappeared for a while. People have a "reasonable" assumption that we'll come back. While "reasonable" is left up to judgment it just means that newer people just need to drop by on occasion and say "Hey guys, I'm not dead!"

ill think about it but its far too early to write him off, I may have to pm him to see if he still remains which would be a lot of work for me... but to be perfectly honest I don't like the idea... What if this were the real world, you can't go around trying to steal married women from their husbands, you can but theres a good chance you'll get curb stomped. Basicly I don't want anyone to ever claim my two and I don't think it's right for you to take his simply because you post more often... As ridiculous as it may seem there is no true rank/caste system within fakku, only people who believe there is.
Monster Girl
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