[Locked] Your 2D Waifu - On hold until restart.

Mr. Bushido wrote...
Should I go for a 3rd? Yes or No? :?

Dude, go for it! And then get a fourth!

And then if it ever comes to it, get a fifth!

Getting great waifus that make other people jealous so you can laugh at their misfortune is the point of the game.
More or less... :?
And then I'll end up like Ribbons. 8)
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/9755-DGZV25J.jpg
Garden of Madness wrote...
I like the "Round 4 Again?"
Also, I'd like to change my 3rd waifu (again.) Last time, I promise.:lol:
Instead of Rin, I'd like Mei Sunohara from Clannad.
Why would I cruelly abandon another waifu for her you may ask.
1. I'm an indecisive bastard. :?
And 2. This.

One of those scenes ...
My initial comment after seeing it for the first time was 'so moe I died...' and it would still sound similar.
You do know that your waifu is kinda illegal though ? Age is one thing (would put many of us in jail probably) but with a moe factor this high you seriously need a permit for her :P
Yawn. I sure am tired...
I was actually complementing your choice ...
The rest if for the luls and was meant to illustrate that Mei is seriously dangerous with all her oni-chan sentences :P
oh, sorry. I'm not in a good mood at the moment and when I'm in such a mood I become defensive and somewhat eager to fight.
Meh. That's making excuses. I'm really just an ass. :?
ugh. someone got mei already. congrats, a very nice choice.
So...is there gonna be 5th round? :lol:
Mr. Bushido wrote...
So...is there gonna be 5th round? :lol:

Only if it stays popular.

Before the time warp, it died at the fourth round, so you never know. >.>
Klorofolun wrote...
Mr. Bushido wrote...
So...is there gonna be 5th round? :lol:

Only if it stays popular.

Before the time warp, it died at the fourth round, so you never know. >.>

Lol I don't really care either way. I'm happy with Ryou and Anew. 8)
Klorofolun wrote...
Mr. Bushido wrote...
So...is there gonna be 5th round? :lol:

Only if it stays popular.

Before the time warp, it died at the fourth round, so you never know. >.>

It's be nice if it stayed popular. >_>
Garden of Madness wrote...
I like the "Round 4 Again?"
Also, I'd like to change my 3rd waifu (again.) Last time, I promise.:lol:
Instead of Rin, I'd like Mei Sunohara from Clannad.

I was just about to tell people that mei-chan was open, glad I checked to see if anyone had taken her yet.
It sure would, but as the rounds go on, more and more of the popular girls are taken, so by now I reckon that there aren't too many left that will get chosen. There are always some that get overlooked, but if people can't figure out who these hidden treasures are, then this will stay rather stagnant. Heh, wouldn't this be alot easier if we had a list to pick from? Talk about alot of work though, huh.
tsuyoshiro wrote...
It sure would, but as the rounds go on, more and more of the popular girls are taken, so by now I reckon that there aren't too many left that will get chosen. There are always some that get overlooked, but if people can't figure out who these hidden treasures are, then this will stay rather stagnant. Heh, wouldn't this be alot easier if we had a list to pick from? Talk about alot of work though, huh.

Yeah that list would be super long considering the number of animes, manga, and hentai games out there. There's like a bajillion girls out there. Plus new animes that come in only add to the list.
That's why I planned on announcing mei-chan's openness, but it couldn't happen. Tommorrow I will probably start match making around my choices for waifu #5. For now I will just say that God from Maria+Holic is open.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/9778-AMIUV28.jpg

And who wouldn't want to say that they are married to God?

if a round 5 does come around and no one has taken her and my other options are tapped, then I just might choose God.
I've always wondered since I went through all 108 pages in this thread. If you don't want future waifus taken, why announce them as like waifu #5 or #6. People that have like maybe 2 like myself would probably claim them. Like when I chose Ryou as my first, Garden of Madness got ticked cause I took his #5 (sorry dude, still surprised Ryou was still available then after all this time :( ) IMO would it be in your best interest to keep your options to yourself? I dunno, just how I see this. Not saying that what your doing is wrong but doesn't that risk losing future waifus?
That's why God is not my real choice for #5, but a contender if, and only if, my other choices are tapped. I would never reveal a real choice, but other good choices that others could take if they so choose to. Just my way of keeping the thread alive, though I am just standing in for that one guy who did it pages ago.
Mr. Bushido wrote...
I've always wondered since I went through all 108 pages in this thread. If you don't want future waifus taken, why announce them as like waifu #5 or #6. People that have like maybe 2 like myself would probably claim them. Like when I chose Ryou as my first, Garden of Madness got ticked cause I took his #5 (sorry dude, still surprised Ryou was still available then after all this time :( ) IMO would it be in your best interest to keep your options to yourself? I dunno, just how I see this. Not saying that what your doing is wrong but doesn't that risk losing future waifus?

Shit man, I never told anyone! That would've been incredibly stupid.
I thought since everyone overlooked her I could sit quietly with an evil grin :twisted: waiting for round 5 hoping everyone else would make the same mistake. I guess I just waited too long... :cry:

But I've moved on (sorta) and I'm mulling over other options.
Like God...?
That's kind of an odd choice but someone picked Jynx so I guess anything's possible. :?
Garden of Madness wrote...
Mr. Bushido wrote...
I've always wondered since I went through all 108 pages in this thread. If you don't want future waifus taken, why announce them as like waifu #5 or #6. People that have like maybe 2 like myself would probably claim them. Like when I chose Ryou as my first, Garden of Madness got ticked cause I took his #5 (sorry dude, still surprised Ryou was still available then after all this time :( ) IMO would it be in your best interest to keep your options to yourself? I dunno, just how I see this. Not saying that what your doing is wrong but doesn't that risk losing future waifus?

Shit man, I never told anyone! That would've been incredibly stupid.
I thought since everyone overlooked her I could sit quietly with an evil grin :twisted: waiting for round 5 hoping everyone else would make the same mistake. I guess I just waited too long... :cry:

But I've moved on (sorta) and I'm mulling over other options.
Like God...?
That's kind of an odd choice but someone picked Jynx so I guess anything's possible. :?

Maybe that came out wrong. Sorry :oops:. I was just trying to point out people already declaring future waifus. And I agree with you that everyone else overlooked her and I was thinking the exact same thing as you, wait out. Then I just said fuck it I'll just claim now.

And why would that guy pick Jynx? Should have went for Angewomon for Digimon.
Mr. Bushido wrote...
Maybe that came out wrong. Sorry :oops: . I was just trying to point out people already declaring future waifus. And I agree with you that everyone else overlooked her and I was thinking the exact same thing as you, wait out. Then I just said fuck it I'll just claim now.

And why would that guy pick Jynx? Should have went for Angewomon for Digimon.

I think that was more of a joke. I don't know. Maybe he's just into that though. :lol:
Monster Girl
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