[Locked] Your 2D Waifu - On hold until restart.

Blank_Zai wrote...
Is it alright for me to Divorce all my current Waifu's? :roll:

If so then divorce them from me
If not then fine...

Whether you letting me divorce or not
I Want...

Luca Truelywaath
As my new Waifu
Forum Image: http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo152/crimsonfield/wp6_1280.jpg
(So if your Letting me Divorce She'll be my only Waifu)
(If your not She'll be my Fourth)

If she's gonna be your 4th then why would you wanna divorce the other three
ZeriamoftheNight wrote...
Blank_Zai wrote...
Is it alright for me to Divorce all my current Waifu's? :roll:

If so then divorce them from me
If not then fine...

Whether you letting me divorce or not
I Want...

Luca Truelywaath
As my new Waifu
Forum Image: http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo152/crimsonfield/wp6_1280.jpg
(So if your Letting me Divorce She'll be my only Waifu)
(If your not She'll be my Fourth)

If she's gonna be your 4th then why would you wanna divorce the other three

To make room for other girl's who I just realized weren't on the list...
That's why
Blank_Zai wrote...

To make room for other girl's who I just realized weren't on the list...
That's why

Ah ok I got ya I say go for it then
ZeriamoftheNight wrote...
Blank_Zai wrote...

To make room for other girl's who I just realized weren't on the list...
That's why

Ah ok I got ya I say go for it then

Do I have o wait for an updated list to see whether or not I have divorced, and whether I can start claiming more Waifu's?

Is there anything against reserving...?
Blank_Zai wrote...

Do I have o wait for an updated list to see whether or not I have divorced, and whether I can start claiming more Waifu's?

Is there anything against reserving...?

No just say I divorce my waifu's for these waifu's and they will update it when they see it.
Oh okay,
So I have state that divorce and I can start claiming straight away again? (I know, just don't abuse this right, correct?)
Blank_Zai wrote...
Oh okay,
So I have state that divorce and I can start claiming straight away again? (I know, just don't abuse this right, correct?)

if you want an example look on page 113 for my post I happened to have divorced one yeseterday
ZeriamoftheNight wrote...
Blank_Zai wrote...
Oh okay,
So I have state that divorce and I can start claiming straight away again? (I know, just don't abuse this right, correct?)

if you want an example look on page 113 for my post I happened to have divorced one yeseterday


I'm filing for Divorce with My Current 3 Waifu's:

Takako Ayase- Midori No Hibi
Kanako Urashima- Love Hina
Nyamo Namo- Love Hina

My 2nd Waifu now...

Chroche Leythal Pastalia- Ar Tonelico 2
Forum Image: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii109/ma4ever86/Chroche.jpg
Blank_Zai wrote...

My 2nd Waifu now...

Chroche Leythal Pastalia- Ar Tonelico 2
Forum Image: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii109/ma4ever86/Chroche.jpg

Ah good choice now if I were you I would get those other 2 on the list quickly
ZeriamoftheNight wrote...
Blank_Zai wrote...

My 2nd Waifu now...

Chroche Leythal Pastalia- Ar Tonelico 2
Forum Image: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii109/ma4ever86/Chroche.jpg

Ah good choice now if I were you I would get those other 2 on the list quickly

Right away~

I claim

Misha Arsellec Lune- Ar Tonelico
As my 3rd Waifu
Forum Image: http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo152/crimsonfield/MishaAdult.jpg


Shurelia- Ar Tonelico
As my Final Forth (Too bad Aurica is already taken Would've had me a whole set 8) )
Forum Image: http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo152/crimsonfield/2f199358070472b88a7d064ja8.jpg
I heard at the lawyor's office that they're tired of divorces.
theotaku wrote...
I heard at the lawyor's office that they're tired of divorces.

....you were never in a lawyer's office, admit it. :P

Or perhaps you are secretly some sort of trouble maker? A scofflaw with a laptop and a switchblade....

kinda scary.
theotaku wrote...
I heard at the lawyor's office that they're tired of divorces.

Then tell them to go watch there favorite episode of Matlock and get back to work.
Divorcing a waifu you claimed the first time, then turning around and ditching them for 'better choice' simply because they're better looking or hotter kinda gets me riled.
I know it's just a game, but you insult my Otaku honor.
theotaku wrote...
Divorcing a waifu you claimed the first time, then turning around and ditching them for 'better choice' because they're better looking or hotter kinda gets me riled.
I know it's just a game, but you insult my Otaku honor.

I can understand that. I don't think I could do that to mine...
theotaku wrote...
Divorcing a waifu you claimed the first time, then turning around and ditching them for 'better choice' simply because they're better looking or hotter kinda gets me riled.
I know it's just a game, but you insult my Otaku honor.

Actually there is a reason I gave Shanoa for lilith and here's the reason


Morrigan was a very special Succubus; she was born as an "S class" noble. But at that time, a struggle for power had already started between the noble houses. Numerous battles had occurred in various locations. It was unacceptable for a Succubus child to be given such rights to power. To complicate matters further, Morrigan had no way to control the enormous powers that she held within herself. If she were to be left unguided, she would destroy herself and the land around her. Thus, Belial decided to split her powers and isolate them in order to protect her. Morrigan's soul was split into two, and one of the halves was isolated in a negative space that Belial had specifically created.

However, her powers could not simply be split 50/50. Because her powers were forcefully divided, they kept drawing towards each other. To counter this effect, Belial took part of her powers and sealed it within himself. Morrigan's soul had been divided into three; one in Morrigan, one in the sealed space and one in Belial's body. When these become one, Morrigan can regain her full powers.

When Belial died, the sealed-off power was supposed to return to its rightful owner. Once this was complete, the next ruler of Makai was supposed to be born, as Belial foresaw it. But because the part which Belial contained had been lost, Morrigan's power had not returned to 100%. Also, a certain 'accident' had occurred in the sealed space that even Belial himself did not notice; the sealed-off power had begun to have its own will. Lilith had begun to recognize herself roughly a decade after the sealing process. As Lilith found out about Makai, her feelings grew. These feelings were different from normal emotions like admiration and jealousy, they were closer to a primitive instinct to return home.

In Darkstalkers 3: Vampire Savior, the demon Jedah releases Lilith and gives her a body — that of a smaller, more cheerful succubus. In return, Lilith was to lure Morrigan and the other Darkstalkers to him. Lilith seems to enjoy her life until she realizes that she is not the "original" — she is only a part of another person. She discovers that she often becomes transparent and realizes she has limited time to find her "soul mate", in order to continue her existence. Morrigan also feels that Lilith is a part of her, but she does not feel she needs Lilith as badly as Lilith needs her. Jedah realizes this, and he manipulates Lilith to meet Morrigan so he can use them both to extend his power. However, Lilith knows that Jedah is lying to her. Lilith is only absorbed by Morrigan in Morrigan's ending, leaving Morrigan, like Lilith, with a more cheerful personality and a new view on the world. In Lilith's ending, she fails to reach Morrigan's unconscious body in time and appears to fade from existence seconds before Morrigan wakes up, though Morrigan again seems to feel something has changed within her.
so..in the end you guys aren't as loyal as you said... :wink: ..it can't be helped...most of people were only hyped when their waifu's anime are still hot on the surface...
theotaku wrote...
Divorcing a waifu you claimed the first time, then turning around and ditching them for 'better choice' simply because they're better looking or hotter kinda gets me riled.
I know it's just a game, but you insult my Otaku honor.

I know how you feel and I'm with you. A penalty must be implemented for those people who are to divorce or "abuse"(such as to trade or whatever) their waifus without any justified reason.

How about not being able to "re-marry" for a week?! :wink:
(I'm also PRO "Death Penalty" btw) :lol:
ZeriamoftheNight wrote...
theotaku wrote...
Divorcing a waifu you claimed the first time, then turning around and ditching them for 'better choice' simply because they're better looking or hotter kinda gets me riled.
I know it's just a game, but you insult my Otaku honor.

Actually there is a reason I gave Shanoa for lilith and here's the reason


Morrigan was a very special Succubus; she was born as an "S class" noble. But at that time, a struggle for power had already started between the noble houses. Numerous battles had occurred in various locations. It was unacceptable for a Succubus child to be given such rights to power. To complicate matters further, Morrigan had no way to control the enormous powers that she held within herself. If she were to be left unguided, she would destroy herself and the land around her. Thus, Belial decided to split her powers and isolate them in order to protect her. Morrigan's soul was split into two, and one of the halves was isolated in a negative space that Belial had specifically created.

However, her powers could not simply be split 50/50. Because her powers were forcefully divided, they kept drawing towards each other. To counter this effect, Belial took part of her powers and sealed it within himself. Morrigan's soul had been divided into three; one in Morrigan, one in the sealed space and one in Belial's body. When these become one, Morrigan can regain her full powers.

When Belial died, the sealed-off power was supposed to return to its rightful owner. Once this was complete, the next ruler of Makai was supposed to be born, as Belial foresaw it. But because the part which Belial contained had been lost, Morrigan's power had not returned to 100%. Also, a certain 'accident' had occurred in the sealed space that even Belial himself did not notice; the sealed-off power had begun to have its own will. Lilith had begun to recognize herself roughly a decade after the sealing process. As Lilith found out about Makai, her feelings grew. These feelings were different from normal emotions like admiration and jealousy, they were closer to a primitive instinct to return home.

In Darkstalkers 3: Vampire Savior, the demon Jedah releases Lilith and gives her a body — that of a smaller, more cheerful succubus. In return, Lilith was to lure Morrigan and the other Darkstalkers to him. Lilith seems to enjoy her life until she realizes that she is not the "original" — she is only a part of another person. She discovers that she often becomes transparent and realizes she has limited time to find her "soul mate", in order to continue her existence. Morrigan also feels that Lilith is a part of her, but she does not feel she needs Lilith as badly as Lilith needs her. Jedah realizes this, and he manipulates Lilith to meet Morrigan so he can use them both to extend his power. However, Lilith knows that Jedah is lying to her. Lilith is only absorbed by Morrigan in Morrigan's ending, leaving Morrigan, like Lilith, with a more cheerful personality and a new view on the world. In Lilith's ending, she fails to reach Morrigan's unconscious body in time and appears to fade from existence seconds before Morrigan wakes up, though Morrigan again seems to feel something has changed within her.

I have nothing more to add. I have proven my point and rest my case.
hermitVI wrote...
theotaku wrote...
Divorcing a waifu you claimed the first time, then turning around and ditching them for 'better choice' simply because they're better looking or hotter kinda gets me riled.
I know it's just a game, but you insult my Otaku honor.

I know how you feel and I'm with you. A penalty must be implemented for those people who are to divorce or "abuse"(such as to trade or whatever) their waifus without any justified reason.

How about not being able to "re-marry" for a week?! :wink:
(I'm also PRO "Death Penalty" btw) :lol:

I'm glad I have someone who sympathizes with me. 8)
Monster Girl
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