IsTehErreip wrote...
I have a couple catchphrases:
1) FUCKIN' EXTREME!!!!! (it's great when things get to quiet)
3) Enjoy
4)Epic fail/failure
5) Im gonna falcon punch you in the nuts/ovaries
I also have some sayings i use:
1) When life gives you lemons make lemonade. but to do that life would also have to give you suger. enjoy your lemon juice.
2) Remember your unique. just like everybody else
3) Go ahead and make the best of it. Its still going to bite your face off.
4)Stop. Hammer time.
lol #5 that was good...#2 on ur first 1 i saw that all the time but my friends dont get it cuz they havent seen it =[ but i like # 1 also =]