Gravity cat wrote...
jwub4 wrote...
Fuck nyanners, she's a sellout tumblr feminazi now. She took the video down and dissed her own fanbase which made her, which is ironic, considering she came from channer culture. Now she's playing the I'm mature, and I've been brainwashed by liberal professors, card.
I knew I didn't like her.
Where did she diss her fanbase? Out of curiosity. Found some Tumblr page she made where she claims to be a feminist and a Facebook page where she goes on a rant about people trying to commission her to say sexual shit, where her fanbase proceed to suck her dick. But that's about it.
I can't find it. But she made a post on why she took it down which was hypocritical, since she made it in the first place. Basically she was dissing lolicons, blah blah blah, and saying some loaded shit about them like they're devil, which frankly, as long as it is 2D, it seems a little extreme to diss those who don't do shit. It was on her tumblr somewhere. Other bullshit she did was apologize to these SJW for her crimes against women from posting "light of Tsukumi Manor", I think it is called, which was retarded, since it is like apologizing for killing someone in 2D on GTA. Anyway, her fan base is typical Youtube affair, Gravity. I'm used to it. I watch a lot of bodybuilding videos, so I'm used to retards who are dickriders when you tell them their idol is a fake.