Minakami Ryuu wrote...
nee-sama is commiting crime?
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Have to raise Hatsuyuki to lv 20 and fully modernize because stupid routing ._.
wew, thats annoying... I dun even have Hatsuyuki...
asaforever wrote...
Holiday everday till the 29th ❤_❤
People said it's between Fubuki-Shirayuki-Hatsuyuki, so since Hatsuyuki dropped first I decided to go with her. I have other requirements like Kongou-Haruna-Mogami-Mikuma-Suzuya-Kumano.
Not to mention there's 2 bb hime butt on preboss.
Such a price for getting the current best big bomber plane. Probably will do E-4 on easy since there's no good rewards on hard.