asaforever wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
Lies. Your place got everything. From snow, winters, and of course there must be halloween...
I dont like snow to begin with.
Maybe if i wouldnt drive a car, i MAYBE would accept it.
And no, Halloween is something Murican, if anyone in Europe is doing it, its just cause they want to.
We havent had kids trick or traeting around since a long time.
Uwah.... someone's getting too old for a dreamy white christmas...
Minakami Ryuu wrote...
Karina Arls wrote...
You need to be exiled to another country first. Maybe sold as imported sla-... ahem.. worker.
but I thought global climate change will give us some snow... =3=
stupid things aside, how're you Nee-sama? haven't see you for a while~
Just like how i havent seen my silly old laptop in a while~ Nowadays it feels like you hardly need them for anything since your smartphone can do so much... basically, without my laptop i cant do much foruming ahaha