The Jesus wrote...
KLoWn wrote...
g-money wrote...
To be honest, this was why I wanted the admins to
reinstate the memberlist, thereby letting users see who has the most posts, reps, date joined, most active in ___ section, and such.
Why was it taken off in the first place?
Well its a long story. After a while, the memberlist just took a turn for the worst. It wouldn't show up for work for days at a time. We'd find it strung out in cheap hotel rooms with dead hookers and half eaten babies. It was wasted all the time, we finally had to send it away to a "special place" after we found a tapestry in a dark room in the back of its apartment that was crudely fashioned out of half-dead, mangled human and animal bodies strung together and smeared with feces. It was a horrific sight.
If I was gay or a woman, I would marry you. But as a straight man, I can only worship you at the shrine I made out of candle wax, jizz, hair, and fake animal fur.
About the project, repeats aren't that great. Something brand spanking new would be much better, but God help you, because I have no clue what it would be. But I'm sure it'll be nice, whatever it is.