Keirova_47 wrote...
~Zevv~ wrote...
oh...i see
oh you also play "Call Of Duty"
what do you think the best games this year ..?
anyway if you've ever played LFD 2 ..?
The Best gam this year? my opinion is Battlefield 3, I haven't played it but just looking at gameplay, I already know it tops MW3.
also my favorite CoD game is Call of Duty 2
and yes, I own L4D2 as well, I like to play as Nick
oh BF "Battle Field"
I've played COD 2 first but now it can not anymore because my hands are not accustomed to playing it (I used to play it but when I switch to another game and back again to play COD games for some reason my hand cramp)
if you play using the "nick" (people with white coat it ..? impressed if he were a rich man)
my favorite character when the play is to use the "Ellis" (male adolescent from his clothes looks like an engineer)
but the female characters in LFD2 why not "Zoey" he's cool just like the character in tomb raider (ponytail and use a dual hand gun)
Note : you remind women characters left for dead in a named "Zoey" ... (he's very cool)