Thank you for the warm welcome.
@GroverCleaveland, no, English is my second language. I use to be better at it, but since i have no one to talk to in English (home and with my friends especially), plus the fact that i am not having English lessons at school anymore, i may type it very edgy. I am also trying to keep it coherent enough and i will edit often if i do misspelling.
But even so, my edgy and expressing problems are not only in English. I am afraid it may be a left-over from a former depression+complex I had, but i feel embarrassed talking about this here and now so i will stop mentioning. Never the less I am embarrassed of my need to always explain myself and looking for my excuses. I am sorry for this >//<
@Maeve, thanks! You seem like a cool relaxed person ^_^ I hope i didn't make you feel uncomfortable with my presentation. I like it to stand out a bit but it usually ends up just weird.
@xeon_monkey, thank you very much for the compliment. It makes me happy i gave you a good impression ^_^ Gosh i feel like i am at a work interview for some reason >//>
PS: another drawing of mine: