Well Im A Guy Who Likes One man One Girl Relationship
Im Abit Shy inPerson And I love Romance Anime And Hentai(Which is Abit rare For hentai Mangas To have Romance in them TT 3 TT)
And I Absolutely hate Dp,GangBang,NTR,Rape,Cheating Wives,BackStabbers,Slow Net,Mean People, And Hackers...
I Hope To Get Along with People Here In Fakku
Ps. im Sorry if im Crappy at making an introduction since this is my first time doing it
Mod Edit: As age is quite a sensitive issue on Fakku, I would urge all users not to mention their age unnecessarily. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. - Gambler
Too much math....>_>...
Are all Shy men into hentai now <_<?
You'll meet a lot of those dislikes you have on Fakku, unfortunately. To each their own.
Welcome to Fakku, and Enjoy your stay! Hope to see you around.