Ahoy there, mateys!

enialis Splendiferous
Hello All. A new poster here, Enialis's the name. Got it from a D&D manual under Elves, decent alias, and I've used it ever since. I got referred here by Anon, came for the images, and stayed for the conversation, seeing how this is a pleasant place to converse and all. I have a huge interest in all things Japanese i.e. games, anime, manga, history, etc. My game interest started with Solarian 2, and stayed ever since. My manga got started once I picked up Lone Wolf & Cub, growing into an enjoyable and costly addiction. As for anime, that would be thanks to ghost in the shell. In the end, I thank you for allowing newcomers into your midst, and hope to have an enjoyable stay. Salud.
hello fellow lurker, have fun! ^^
Welcome to the paradise of us all otaku and stay active on the forum k ??
Welcome, fellow D&Der/Xenophile!
Monster Girl
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