And here... we... go.

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Highlow there, everyone. I decided to join up to this lil slice of pleasuredome on account of all the things just itching to be explored. I'm 28, male, fairly anti-social most of the time, but willing to try. I've been into anime since the Voltron, and into hentai since the first Dragon Pink. Though I'm not stuck in the past, and can fully appreciate the things released nowadays. My other interests, besides the obvious that everyone puts, are American Comics, Drawn art, martial arts, writing, videogames, models and figures, and learning about tech stuff.
I'm open minded and don't judge things ever. (heck, how can I judge with what I look at on here, let alone other places?) And am willing to respond to whatever within a decent amount of time. Aka, when not working. Not so hot at striking up the conversations, but more then willing to keep em going most of the time. So, hope to see ya around on here.
i bid you warm welcome :D

Welcome to FAKKU! Make sure to be Active and Supportive!

Oh, you should watch Voltes 5^^
Welcome to Fakku dahate
and I agree with the "fairly anti-social" I am aswell, and possibly many others here.

Oh...... yeah....... dragon pink........ *sigh*

"Memories.... of the life I......"(DAMN... forgot the lyrics)

So that's the hentai that got u into...... well....... hentai?
Welcome to Fakku dahate, and enjoy all of it's fappin' contents.
Thanks for the warm reception.

Zak: Yep, Dragon Pink was my first exposure to it. Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday. 16 or so, went to a comic shop in San Diego where I was visiting at the time and saw the cover. "This looks interesting. Maybe a lil pg 13 too." (As the most nudity I had seen by that time in an anime was in Ranma) Took it to the counter and the clerk asked me "You know what this is right?" To which I ignorantly said "Sure!" Took it back to where I was staying and watched it. And my reaction went sorta like this. "Wha?! They just... huh? That girl, she just, Whoa!" And life has never been the same since.

Uzumaki101: Voltes 5? Hm... Haven't heard of it, but I'll have to google that up. For some reason the name reminds of that Sailor Moon spoof hentai from way back when. The one where they have the short sailor skirts and matching colored helmets with colored visors. And the cat was fat as garfield and had a huge wang. Oo

Hi hi welcome to Fakku and enjoy your stay. :D
What's up. Enjoy.

You and I should get along fine.

BTW what style of martial arts are you into?
omnicide wrote...
What's up. Enjoy.

You and I should get along fine.

BTW what style of martial arts are you into?

Again, folks. Thanks for the welcome.

As for the style sytle I'm into, Omnicide, at first it was tae kwon do. But I didn't much care for it. Too much kicking, especially after I went and dislocated a knee that never recovered proper. Few years after that met an ex-navy seal at the place where I work. He taught me Judo along with just various sprinklings of other styles just for fun at the dojo he worked at. Thanks to him, my foot never rises past knee height as a rule.
He beat that into me, quite literally.
And as of last week I've started Aiki jujutsu. I've gotta learn all these technique names and basic philophsy at the moment. I'm terrible with remembering the names of things.
Anywho, I'm no expert or anything. Just enjoy what I getta learn and other styles. Everyone of em has it's virtues.
Cool I'm not familiar with the Aiki style of jujitsu, but I know a few scattered techniques from jujitsu. I'm right there with ya on the technique names. Personally, I took Tae Kwon Do and Issinryu Karate, but neither style agreed with me. Same issue with Tae Kwon Do (except I didn't dislocate anything), and I just didn't like Issinryu. I never made it past yellow belt in either style, by that point I just got sick of them. So I just checked out a bunch of books at the library on various styles, and started teaching myself. I liked Tai Chi (which is actually a pretty leathal form of martial arts), Aikido, Tang Soo Do, and Kung Fu (I know a few scattered techniques from different forms). Unfortunately, I was never able to find a true sensei, but I managed to do allright. From what I did learn from my formal training, and what I knew of human anatomy, I already prettymuch knew how and where to hit.
Anatomy does have alot to do with it. If you know that things have a way they are not supposed to bend, then you know how to dislocate something. And the nerves. Oh, the fun I had learning nerves under my ex-navy seal sensei. He felt, if you want to learn something you have to experience it. And so he did. Aiyah! Nerves suck. My personal favorite being the one right under the ear, behind the lobe. He took a rolled up gum wrapper, to where it was pointy and hard and stuck that there. Forcing my head to a table and keeping it there, saying "Ok. Now try to move."
Anywho, Aiki Jujutsu, is alot like Aikido from what I'm understanding. Except it's more directed for combat then form. I've also already noticed that most of the moves have a circular nature to them. Wide arching steps meant to move you behind or to the side of the target, where you can then apply more pressure to whatever limb they mistakingly offered, or just throw em down nice and hard.
I looked into Tai Chi for myself, but I tell ya, the only stuff I found were like "sweating to the Yani music" videos. I don't think I have the calmness required for that style. Tang Soo Do... That sounds like something I should know of... Can't place where I've heard it before though. And Kung Fu, yeah. My favorite move which of course I got to feel first hand thanks to Joe-sensei... Scorpian's pincers, I think is what the name stood for. Anywho, ya take your hands and hold them up at shoulder level (Think muay thai stance kinda) and as the victim throws a punch at you, you move one hand to his wrist and one hand to the back of his elbow. Thus bending it in a way that it is NOT supposed to go. This wasn't even done full force on me and I couldn't move my damn elbow for like three days... Ah, good times. Good times.
dahate wrote...
omnicide wrote...
What's up. Enjoy.

You and I should get along fine.

BTW what style of martial arts are you into?

Again, folks. Thanks for the welcome.

As for the style sytle I'm into, Omnicide, at first it was tae kwon do. But I didn't much care for it. Too much kicking, especially after I went and dislocated a knee that never recovered proper. Few years after that met an ex-navy seal at the place where I work. He taught me Judo along with just various sprinklings of other styles just for fun at the dojo he worked at. Thanks to him, my foot never rises past knee height as a rule.
He beat that into me, quite literally.
And as of last week I've started Aiki jujutsu. I've gotta learn all these technique names and basic philophsy at the moment. I'm terrible with remembering the names of things.
Anywho, I'm no expert or anything. Just enjoy what I getta learn and other styles. Everyone of em has it's virtues.


Welcome to FAKKU! Make sure to become Active and Supportive as Possible!

Oh yea. You took up three styles? Trying to become the real Strongest Disciple, eh? (jk^^)

Anyways, enjoy your stay^^
Uzumaki101 wrote...
dahate wrote...
omnicide wrote...
What's up. Enjoy.

You and I should get along fine.

BTW what style of martial arts are you into?

Again, folks. Thanks for the welcome.

As for the style sytle I'm into, Omnicide, at first it was tae kwon do. But I didn't much care for it. Too much kicking, especially after I went and dislocated a knee that never recovered proper. Few years after that met an ex-navy seal at the place where I work. He taught me Judo along with just various sprinklings of other styles just for fun at the dojo he worked at. Thanks to him, my foot never rises past knee height as a rule.
He beat that into me, quite literally.
And as of last week I've started Aiki jujutsu. I've gotta learn all these technique names and basic philophsy at the moment. I'm terrible with remembering the names of things.
Anywho, I'm no expert or anything. Just enjoy what I getta learn and other styles. Everyone of em has it's virtues.


Welcome to FAKKU! Make sure to become Active and Supportive as Possible!

Oh yea. You took up three styles? Trying to become the real Strongest Disciple, eh? (jk^^)

Anyways, enjoy your stay^^

Not "real" strongest disciple, but "History's"strongest Disciple! ^_^v I love that anime/manga. Kenichi is my cowardly hero.
dahate wrote...
Thanks for the warm reception.

Zak: Yep, Dragon Pink was my first exposure to it. Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday. 16 or so, went to a comic shop in San Diego where I was visiting at the time and saw the cover. "This looks interesting. Maybe a lil pg 13 too." (As the most nudity I had seen by that time in an anime was in Ranma) Took it to the counter and the clerk asked me "You know what this is right?" To which I ignorantly said "Sure!" Took it back to where I was staying and watched it. And my reaction went sorta like this. "Wha?! They just... huh? That girl, she just, Whoa!" And life has never been the same since.

My first exposure to hentai, believe it or dont, was one of those OVA(....Or I think it was a movie) dragonball episodes.... When goku pulls down bulma's panties and said "theire not there!!!!" and bulma wakes up and says "What whats not there!!!!!" goku says "the balls!!" then bulma checks the bag for the balls.... It only showed the top part, where the pubes should be..... I dont remember how old I was but THATS basically the thing that got me into hentai.....

"Fatal Relations" is what got me into H-games though......

I didnt think much of it, but it got me interested in that kind of stuff, and alas here I am today...... :D
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