agilao wrote...
Medzy wrote...
agilao wrote...
Haha thanks! ;__;
Is Fakku separate from your other online stuff or is it something you don't care too much about? I just get too worried about people I know in real life. v.v
I use kind of regularly, I just use it to talk to people and make new friends.
Is that what you were asking?
Oh, like keeping your Fakku account separate from your other online accounts. Like, I have a universal username I have on Tumblr/Deviantart/whatever but I didn't wanna use it since I wanna keep my Fakku account separate from all that stuff since I get nervous about people I know in real life finding out. v.v
Yes, the only thing we see about you on Fakku is your username (which can be changed), and your signature.
So keeping your Fakku accout separate from you other accounts is very possible, as long as your Fakku username is different from your other account names.
And if you don't mind, I'd love to see your Tumblr and your Deviantart pages. If you don't want to post it here you can
PM them.
If you don't want to, that is understandable. :3