Hello all fakku members that bother to read this. (There are so many of these, I doubt anyone will seriously want to go through all of them... right?) My (user)name's ArcheVixen, aspiring writer and hopefully, philosopher. (Hmm... philosophy with hentai...)
Anyways, as left to infer by many, my main activity will be found on the Writing and Lemons forum area. But I might rear my head into some of the other forum areas (I personally like a good debate, and is almost sure I can find people of different opinons of serious issues, and trivial stuff like how many strands of straw is Luffy's hat made up of)
Many of my friends (offline and online) were curious as to how the name of ArcheVixen came by. I shall not go into the whole long-ass story, but basically, that's the name of a prominent male character in my head, which hopefully I could get novels written out and he will appear in his full glory. But until then, I guess the name just has to serve as my username.
I'm young, green and very much inexperienced (in more areas than one), so I try not to talk too loudly, post comments that are too overboard (at least in my opinion), and if I just so happen to trespass into any forbidden territory, please gently guide me along.
Hope you guys can be patient with this new user that has an attention span like a mouse on..... BUTTERFLY!
p.s.: just calling me Vix or Vixen will do. Some users might fight it annoying to type my long-ass username out, and so long as you make it clear it's directed to me (or else the female users here will start to own you people lol)