GhostOfLions wrote...
Ryuuhagoku wrote...
Hi Ghost, nice to meet you.
What would you say is your favorite from the FE series? Radiant Dawn is one of my very favorite games ever, but I do have a special nostalgia for FE7 (or just Fire Emblem).
Radiant Dawn is awesome. Did you play PoR first?
As for favorite, that's truly hard to say. 7 is the most nostalgic for me as well, so generally I refer to that one as the best. Some of my favorite characters were introduced in PoR and RD, though. Mia, Illyana, etc. Sorry, but that's truly too tough to call there, buddy. :p
Oh, and thanks. Nice to meet you too.
Sorry it took so long to respond.
Yup, I have a strict rule against playing games out of order (when possible). (Actually I guess it's not
that strict of a rule then...)
I felt a huge difference between PoR and RD's storytelling. PoR didn't impress me too much in that department, tbh. But then Radiant Dawn just blew me away! I usually don't like it when games get really metaphysical, like Gods and stuff fighting, but RD handled it masterfully. Also, CAINEGHIS VS. DHEGINSEA. Much epicness to be had there.
And they ending... I'm an atheist and yet I felt that Yune's departure was so sad. "This world does not need gods" (Yune) and "we don't have much use for Gods" (Ike) are statements I generally completely agree with, but in that context... I just can't.