Wordmangler2000 wrote...
>ryuuhagoku: Alas, the avatar is not an accurate representation of my appearance. My head is not nearly so round. Regarding humanism and existentialism...well, they are traditionally at odds. One must stand on one foot, tilt one's head just so, and squint through one eye to see Sartre, Camus, and Nietzsche as humanists. Or so most of the professors would say. I look forward to comparing notes with you.
FYI, if you quote someone, they get a notification that you have quoted them, making it easier for the person to reply.
I am in no way a studied philosopher, but Sartre's "Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does" is a statement that to me defines the core of existentialism. The philosophers' finer viewpoints are not to my understanding, but that statement has always rung with a very compassionate and empathetic tone in my ears.
Once again, I'm just a guy who found some quotes with which he agreed on the internet, so I'll yield to anyone with a formal education on the topic.