Greetings and Felicitations One and All,
Just call this one, Xeke . . . I’m “pushing 50,” as the ole adage goes and don’t get around as good as I used to . . . That reminds one of the usual answer given, when anyone asks, “How are you, today?”
“I assume the truth is not required . . . So the polite lie is, “Fine and how are you?”
Now, this One has always intended such . . . What one may deem, corn-ball quips or what/ever but one would think that it would be obvious that One was trying to be humorous but my “happy-go lucky” or cavalier attitude has go one into no end of trouble. That, as it were, is story of this one’s life. Like some ole song . . . However this one is far too much of a stoic, for anything like pain, failing organs (strychnine from poison mushrooms, and steroid use), and a bad back get this one down.
Buddy, what this one’s got plan will . . . . Well got to go . . .
Good Journey One and All,