Hello Fakku! I am Swampking. My interests are anime, video games, SKYRIM!!!, soccer, volleyball, and music. I play trumpet in a jazz band and a concert band and I have played national anthems/halftime show with both :D
Feel free to look around all of the major sections of the site to find a place that fits your hobbies, including Video Games, Entertainment and Music. If you ever feel like making a friend, come on by the Chat Topics and Forum Games. :)
yeah man! I'm just a beginner at theory and all that 'jazz' ;) but I enjoy playing it. Also i am a huge Magic the Gathering player, i just played at a local Grand Prix Trial :)
Anyway, welcome. Please do mind that we wish to rape you good luck during your stroll here. Remember, do not take anything a stranger give to you, they might be sexual predators.
magic is a card game right? the only card game that I was (still am but don't play it) interested in was Yu-gi-oh! I have a lot of good cards and I do not know what to do with them.
just asking. what games do you like?